Session Description:
Currently in the process of supporting the EC in the design of AfricaConnect4, we would like to inform you about the overall progress of AfricaConnect3 and the next steps of AfricaConnect4 preparations and possible synergies with European NRENs and Institutions.
African-European NREN collaborations have been taking place for over a decade and have occurred through the AfricaConnect projects, but also in many other bi-lateral initiatives.
As part of AfricaConnect4, African RRENs are looking into possible support from European NRENs in the following areas: Procurement, Cyber security, Trainings, Trust and Identity.
As per GÉANT’s strong commitment to support RRENs in the world, the AfricaConnect team would like to invite you to an Info-Share in order to:
As per the principle of subsidiarity African Regional Research and education networks will be responsible for identifying and choosing the most suitable partnerships among Europeans institutions by the end of February 2023 and inform GÉANT and the European Commission.
Once approved by the commission, details of the collaboration will be designed in the following months during the proposal phase.
Welcome and round of introduction – 15 minutes
Overall presentation of AfricaConnect – 10 minutes
AfricaConnect4 preparation – European Comission (10 minutes)
Cluster needs for AfricaConnect4 where European NRENs could support:
UbuntuNet Alliance 15 minutes
WACREN 15 minutes
ASREN 15 minutes
Q/A: 10 minutes
Registration : This is a closed GÉANT Community meeting, all participants registered will be reviewed and only GÉANT NRENs will receive a calendar invite.
General information:
AfricaConnect3 is an EU-funded pan-African connectivity project that aims to support the development and consolidation of high-capacity regional internet networks for R&E across Africa and their interconnection with the pan-European GÉANT network, creating a continental gateway for collaborative research and education across and beyond Africa. More information:
Leïla Dekkar