
Big science user requirements I

20 Apr 2023, 11:00


This session will discuss the network capacity requirements of big science users and how these requirements are evolving as scientific research becomes increasingly data-intensive.

Host: Edoardo Martelli (CERN)

SKA - Rosie Bolton (SKA) '25
ITER - Peter Kroul (ITER) '25
HL-LHC dataflows: An experiment view - Mario Lassnig (CERN)'25
The LHC experiments are facing a ten-fold increase in throughput requirements for the High-Luminosity upgrade. In addition, the
complexity of dataflows is ever evolving, pushing the boundaries of our infrastructure. In this talk, we highlight important use cases shared by the LHC experiments, and delve deeper into the specific needs of the ATLAS Experiment.

Q&A discussion - '15

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