12–14 Dec 2023
Monpellier, France
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

SUPPORT Breakouts

13 Dec 2023, 15:30
1h 30m


Parallel Session


Paul Rouse


  1. Security Mentorship Programme: Leveraging online courses to address skill shortage

Within the field of IT Security there is a large shortage of competent people. We therefore feel that we need to train people in R&E in IT security.Within GN5-1 WP8 Task 2 “Awareness” we intend to create a roadmap that will combine hands-on experience within the R&E community, expert guidance through mentoring and self-study of free online courses.

Speaker: Tim Waters, GÉANT

  1. Software Governance in GN5-1: recent advancements to enable effective software development in GN

This presentation will highlight the advancements of Software Governance in GN5-1, with a particular attention on open software development in GN. The presentation topics will include among others GitLab CE features, open profiles in the Software Catalogue and software review services for management of risks associated with the infringement of IPR and security vulnerabilities

Speaker: Marcin Wolski, PSNC

  1. To certify (learning) or not to certify… (And if so, how?)

We are exploring whether to certify some GÉANT learning programmes. In this interactive session we will discuss the principles and practicalities of certification, and explore how technology like eduBADGES could enable this. Come and share your views: when is certification useful? What types of certification are available? Which courses are most suitable for certification? What constraints should be considered?

Speaker: Sarah Hughes, GÉANT

Presentation materials

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