12–14 Dec 2023
Monpellier, France
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


13 Dec 2023, 15:30
1h 30m


Parallel Session


Marina Adomeit


A forward looking T&I track where we want to present and discuss plans for exploring, piloting and/or implementing new tech and/or strategies into the T&I service portfolio.

  1. Core AAI Platform: The road ahead

This presentation explores the next steps for the Core AAI Platform, a key component built on top of the eduGAIN Trust Fabric, essential for providing scalable AAI services in research and education. We’ll examine enhanced features such as identity vetting, multi-factor authentication, and multi-protocol identity flows across administrative realms. Importantly, we will highlight the critical role of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) within the Core AAI Platform in delivering robust and secure services.

Speaker: Christos Kanellopoulos, GÉANT

  1. A new identity federation standard

Identity Federations have been around for almost 20 years now and yet we do not have an official specification that describes all the inner workings. OpenID Federation is an holistic attempt in that direction, initially targeting the OpenID Connect protocol. The eduGAIN Service, with the support of the community, is setting up a Proof Of Concept in order to evaluate the new standard and eventually create a new official Technology Profile that will extend the current service.

Speaker: Davide Vaghetti, GARR

  1. Decentralized identity, credentials and wallets

A new identity and credential ecosystem is begin crafted as we speak. Developments like the EU Digital Identity framework and the Large Scale Pilots shape this new ecosystem. In this session we will show how the GÉANT community may be affected by this new ecosystem, explain some of its core use cases, opportunities and challenges. Examples from work done in the Trust and Identity incubator will show how we are trying to prepare for these new technologies.

Speakers: Niels van Dijk, SURF & Christoph Graf, SWITCH

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