12–14 Dec 2023
Monpellier, France
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

SECURITY Breakouts

13 Dec 2023, 15:30
1h 30m


Parallel Session


Alf Moens


  1. Introduction to service management in the GÉANT Project

This will be a two-part session, the first will be an introduction to the GÉANT PLM process and how this can form a basic service management structure with its associated checklists. The second part will be an interactive Q&A with the GALD team to collect future service management training requirements.

Speaker: Richard Lui, GÉANT

  1. Extending the GÉANT Security Baseline to Products and Services

This session re-introduces the Security Baseline created by GN4-3, and in GN5-1 extended to products and services. We target service and product owners to assess the state of security management of their respective tool. The results draw an overview of the security management for the product and involved organisations. We’ll also discuss how WP8T0 can help you implementing this Baseline.

Speaker: Michel Gerdes, DFN

  1. From Trust To Compliance: What is the impact on your service?

Research and education has a long history of collaborating. From the start of networking, this has been based on trust, mostly personal trust. Trust is not enough anymore. We need to prove we are trustworthy. Not only because the scale and complexity has increased by such magnitude that we do not know all parties and persons involved, and there is also an increasing pressure of rules and regulations. What does this mean for your organisation and what is the impact in your service?

Speaker: Alf Moens, GÉANT

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