12–14 Dec 2023
Monpellier, France
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Keynote Plenary

13 Dec 2023, 14:00
Einstein Conference Hall

Einstein Conference Hall


Vincenzo Capone (GÉANT)


Connecting researchers and services: the NeIC Puhuri project as an enabler of scientific discovery

The NeIC Puhuri project facilitate the access and provisioning of HPC and Quantum computing resources. The Puhuri resource management service was developed to allow users from academia to access and manage resources e.g. LUMI, through a single portal. For this Puhuri uses the GEANT authentication and authorization infrastructure MyAccessID allowing secure identification through local academic organizations or national authentication services.

Keynote speaker: Anders Sjöström, NeIC-Puhuri project manager LUNARC Lund University

The Higgs Boson, GÉANT and the NREN community

Media coverage of the discovery of the Higgs Boson at CERN in 2012 concentrated on the discovery’s importance for the standard model of particle physics and the length of the quest—nearly 50 years from prediction to discovery. Much less attention was paid to the key role played by networks and the networking community. This talk aims to remedy that oversight as well as helping you to explain the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism to your family and friends.

Keynote speaker: Tony Cass, Leader, Communication Systems Group, CERN

Presentation materials

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