12–14 Dec 2023
Monpellier, France
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

D1: Project Resources

12 Dec 2023, 15:30
1h 30m


Side Meeting


Tryfon Chiotis (GÉANT)


"In this parallel session we would like to discuss how we can better use the project resources (mainly people) from GÉANT and the NRENs. Find out if there any issues, so we can identify a plan for future improvement. We will present data that shows the total FTE per GNx project and the proportion between GÉANT and members provided. Then further split by WP, present any trends, and then present the difference between committed and delivered resources. In each GÉANT project there is a significant underspend but also lack of resources in specific areas (e.g., Trust & Identity, Security). We would like to get new ideas from the Project symposium participants about how we can engage more NRENs, even small NRENs, how we can engage people that they are active in their NRENs domestically but not in the GÉANT project. Also, how we can train new (young) people from universities and institutes, discuss possibly some mentorship schemes, or apprenticeships if these are possible solutions to the issues. We expect also to discuss the balance of the resources provided by GÉANT and by NRENs, if it is a right balance, how this balance has changed over the years and discuss whether the fact that we have only a few NRENs very actively involved in the project and many NRENs not significantly involved or not involved at all is an issue. As staff turnover is a key challenge within the project, we need to evaluate and possibly adjust strategies related to mentorship, wellness, feedback on performance, incentives, training and development for professional growth, recognition, and rewards, change management, onboarding, and orientation, amongst others. As one solution to the staff turnover problem has been proposed, whether GÉANT and NRENs should consider offering certifications and the creation of a marketplace that brings in the NREN-developed training and acquires external training services at scale. Whether it should be a strategic goal to establish ""GÉANT training certificate” as an important career development milestone particularly for Early Career Researchers in Europe. Such certification can potentially be done at a relatively low cost via a set of self-assessment exercises. Is that a solution? Finally, we can discuss whether, due to the market situation and the difficulty to acquire and retain the competent
resources, we should put more effort into the Future Talent Programme and the T&I Incubator Mentorship (TIM) programme. These are excellent initiatives to which more resources could be dedicated and even be extended to other areas."

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