12–14 Dec 2023
Monpellier, France
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

C1: Meaningful KPIs for the GEANT project

12 Dec 2023, 13:30
1h 30m


Side Meeting


Tryfon Chiotis (GÉANT)


The purpose of this side meeting is to discuss with all Devops Work Packages (WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8) what are the right KPIs for the GÉANT project. We consider that and we have heard many times during EC reviews that additional and continued focus should be applied towards the development of KPIs for each Work Package. Of course, there are good examples in the project of good structure and reporting but also there are KPIs not very meaningful. The GÉANT activities provide access to state-of-the-art infrastructures and high-quality services, and enable users to conduct "excellent research". In order for us to be able to measure quality and quantity of the results of these activities appropriate KPIs are required. Some activities are missing KPIs, and several of the GÉANT KPIs lack a meaningful baseline, measurability, committed target values and deadlines. For example, “total data volume transiting the network” may be measurable, but without further elaboration (a baseline, a committed growth rate) it hardly serves to assess success of the GÉANT activity. Also, specific communication activities to stimulate the use of services and KPIs to track user uptake at the level of the individual service often are not specifically targeted. he currently selected Impact & Communication’s KPIs could be improved. For example, counters for visitors to the web site do not give a correct idea of the volume of the audience reached, because same visitors visiting the site for example 5 times will be counted as 5 different visitors. In addition, in WP for communication, KPIs for the number of visitors to web sites are recommended to be changed from the percentage by which visitors grow to the percentage of visitors from all potential audiences or to be presented with absolute values. They should be divided by visitor’s profiles (e.g., through surveys on the web site, by IP addresses, cookies.). In addition to the above we need to pursue the impact assessment of GÉANT network carbon footprint savings through energy consumption monitoring and add a KPI related on energy consumption optimization/savings in the new GÉANT network. To that end, we would like to discuss how we can come up with the definition of more meaningful KPIs, including their baseline, measurability, target and deadlines. Moreover, the conditions created by the pandemic are skewing some metrics, so we need to discuss how we can normalize the data and considered such issues when using the data for planning.

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