12–14 Dec 2023
Monpellier, France
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

60-min deep-dive: Sharing the Innovation in various thematic areas

14 Dec 2023, 11:00



Matthew Scott (GÉANT) Tryfon Chiotis (GÉANT)


Innovating is at the heart of the GEANT project. Be it in incubators or as part of service delivery, we collaborate as a community to jointly develop and deliver novel and innovative services and products to our users.

This session focusses on how we can maximize the innovation potential of the GEANT project: What ways do we have to bring new ideas into the project? How do we grow from an idea to a new service? How do we engage the community, both NRENs and end users, to get their ideas and input, but also to disseminate our work? Are we missing tools or capabilities that would enable us to innovate even more effectively?
We kindly invite participants from all branches of the project to join in a session to learn, share and discuss the opportunities and challenges we have when innovating in the GEANT project.

Presentation materials

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