12–14 Dec 2023
Monpellier, France
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Lightning Talks

14 Dec 2023, 09:00
1h 30m
Einstein Conference Hall

Einstein Conference Hall

Lightning Talk


Chris Atherton Tryfon Chiotis (GÉANT)


These lightning talks focus on important topics, ideas or messages that the presenters feel the audience will appreciate or need to hear. Come prepared for an electic mix of information from across the whole of the GÉANT project.
Data Spaces – what do you need to know? (Annabel Grant, GÉANT)
What is the point of Marketing? (Karl Meyer, GÉANT)
Gender Equality Unplugged: Principles for Progress (Nicole Harris, GÉANT)
Standing on the shoulders of Argus (Ilona Podliashanyk, Sikt)
Establishing a License for Your GÉANT Software (Branko Marović, AMRES)
eduMEET 4.0: New Features, New Independence (Bartek Idzikowski, PSNC)
Your eAcademy (Dom Mayerl, GÉANT)
Best Practices for Software Development (Bartosz Walter, PSNC)
Breaking the boundaries of procurement (Garvan McFeeley, HEAnet)
Cloud in action (David Heyns, GÉANT)
University Virtual Labs on NMaaS (Vojdan Kjorveziroski, UKIM/MARNET)
Using chatbot for user support (Maciej Labedzki, PSNC)

Presentation materials

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