T&I Incubator Demo

(Timezone - Europe/Berlin)
Michael Schmidt (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre), Niels van Dijk (SURF)

The Trust & Identity Incubator invites all community members to attend our final sprint demo for the fifth iteration in GN4-3.

The goal of the demo event is to periodically present the results produced in the Incubator. Since this is the second public demo for this cycle, we will present the final results of this cycle. This is the perfect opportunity to find out about a range of emerging developments in T&I.

All demos are public, you may join any session you like. It is not necessary to attend all sessions, you may join only the ones you are interested in.

    • 1
      Arrival and introduction
      Speakers: Mr Michael Schmidt (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre), Niels van Dijk (SURF)
    • 2
      IdP User Profile (Self service - Signing in activity)

      A user profile page deployed as part of Shibboleth IdP and SimpleSAMLphp to enable end users to gain insight into where their personal data is used and when it was last released to various services, as far as the IdP is aware.

      Speakers: Lauros Janne (CSC), Marko Ivančić, Mihály Héder
    • 13:55
    • 3
      Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Service

      This topic aims to explore the area of enforcing acceptance of Acceptable Use Policies as an activity of managing access to resources. Therefore, a web-based application which provides tools to manage AUPs on a central level (within the AAI) and let users approve (whilst recording this act) such a policy document is developed.

      This activity is part of the Trust & Identity Mentorship (TIM) Programme, an initiative that brings together ambitious young minds and subject matters experts to pioneer and prototype new ideas in the Trust and Identity field (https://wiki.geant.org/x/PpI7Bw).

      Speaker: Pavlicek Jan (CESNET)
    • 14:55
    • 4
      SSH certificates for a federated world

      Easy SSH access based on federated login. Initial goal of the activity is to hold a series of workshops to gather requirements and showcase and discuss existing solutions.

      Speakers: Mads Freek (WAYF.dk / DeiC.dk), Martin van Es, Niels van Dijk (SURF)
    • 15:55
    • 5
      SSI and the AARC BPA

      This activity further explored the potential use of SSI technology in the context of the AARC BPA. It described where SSI technology may be leveraged, explore benefits and challenges and describe how that may be implement.

      Speaker: Branko Marović