SCION Access for Universities and Research Institutes

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
Virtually Hosted

SCION (Scalability, Control, and Isolation On Next-Generation Networks) is a next-generation Internet architecture already in production use to protect critical infrastructure communication, for example in the Swiss financial ecosystem. A SCION connection combines the security, reliability and control of private networks with the flexibility of the public Internet. In addition, thanks to its multipath functionality, SCION can offer higher performance and communication quality.

A SCION connection enables new research in computer networks, network security, and networked applications. The single-path nature and nontransparent operation of the current Internet prevents research on the emerging network topics of path awareness and multipath communication. These areas are of critical importance in the future, and researchers as well as practitioners at early participant institutions can obtain a competitive advantage by leveraging the SCION deployment.

Besides providing opportunities for path-aware networking research, a SCION connection inherits also all the security guarantees provided by the secure control plane of the SCION architecture and provides an upgrade path to further features such as geofencing, quality of service guarantees through bandwidth allocation, and fast failover providing increased resilience to outages.

This GÉANT Infoshare on 24 November 2022 provides an overview on the productive SCION deployment within GÉANT and presents how NRENs and their associated universities and research institutes can get connected to it.

The session will also include a practical part demonstrating how you can easily test the SCION capabilities by creating your own SCION AS in a VM connected to the global SCIONLab test network.


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