BoF: Improve NREN Security Management – how can the Security Baseline help?

(Timezone - Europe/Berlin)
TNC (Trieste, Italy)


Trieste, Italy
Michael Schmidt (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre)

The Security Baseline ( was created in GN4-3 to support NREN security programs. In this BoF we want to invite community and NREN security experts to talk with us about security management in R&E. We want to hear what issues security managers are concerned about and what current and future challenges they face in terms of standards and best practices. The goal is to align the future development of the Security Baseline with the needs of the community. What enhancements or additional offerings should the team to provide to deliver real value to NRENS?

    • 18:00 18:30
      The current state of the Security Baseline framework 30m

      A presentation of the Security Baseline for NRENs and existing resources.

    • 18:30 19:00
      Security Management at NRENs 30m

      Guided discussion by answering some questions regarding security management.

    • 19:00 19:30
      Open discussion & wrap up 30m

      Open discussion about opportunities to support NREN security management.