Webinar eduTEAMS for NRENs - SURF experience in deploying SURF Research Access Management

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
(Webinar )
Virtually Hosted
Christos Kanellopoulos

eduTEAMS enables members of the research and education community to create and manage virtual teams and securely access and share common resources. eduTEAMS builds on eduGAIN and the national federations to enable federated access and also support communities to use other trusted identity providers.

In this webinar, GEANT and SURF will present their experience in building SURF Research Access Management (SRAM), a service for access management of Dutch led research collaborations, using eduTEAMS.

SRAM was launched in 2021 and one year later SURF can report how the platform has made it easy to provide research collaborations with fast, easy, and secure access.

The webinar will offer an opportunity for NRENs to learn more about eduTEAMS and how it can help NRENs to support national use cases. 


Christos Kanellopoulos (GÉANT)

Arnout Terpstra (SURF)

Bas Zoetekouw (SURF)

Floris Fokkinga (SURF)

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