
eduVPN Training

by Rogier Spoor, Tangui Coulouarn

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)


The objective of this workshop is to raise awareness among decision makers about eduVPN, describe its value proposition and show eduVPN’s benefit for NRENs and their users. This training covers a technical presentation of eduVPN and hands-on exercises to deploy, configure and join eduVPN community.

Target audience:

NREN decision makers (CEOs and CTOs) and technical teams from EaPConnect and SEE NRENs.

!!! Attention: Due to the Interactive format of the training, there will be only a limited number of places available. Preference will be given to participants from EaPConnect project partners and associates and the SEE NRENs. !!!


• eduVPN Service description
• Benefits and challenges of eduVPN
• eduVPN Community
• Business models around eduVPN

Session will not be recorded.   

More information about the event. 

Organised by

EaPConnect2, GÉANT GN4-3 WP8 (Security) and WP3 (User/stakeholder engagement; Leonie Schäfer, DFN/GÉANT)
