T&I Incubator Demo

(Timezone - Europe/Berlin)
Virtually Hosted
Jule Ziegler (LRZ/DFN), Michael Schmidt (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre), Niels van Dijk (SURF)

The Trust & Identity Incubator invites all community members to attend our final sprint demo for the fourth iteration in GN4-3.

The goal of this event is to periodically present the interim results of the current Incubator activities in order to collect feedback from the community as early as possible. Since this is the first large sprint demo for this cycle, we will present the results of the last three months. This is the perfect opportunity to find out about a range of emerging developments in T&I and to influence their outcomes.

All demos are public, you may join any session you like. It is not necessary to attend all sessions, you may join only the ones you are interested in.

  • Giusti Matteo
  • Ivan Kanakarakis
  • José María Fontanillo
  • João Guerreiro
  • János Mohácsi
  • Mihály Héder
  • Mihály Héder
  • Mikael Linden
  • Philip Smart
  • +31
  • Tuesday, September 21
    • 2:45 PM 3:00 PM
      Arrival and introduction 15m

      Overview of the agenda and the presented topics

      Speaker: Niels van Dijk (SURF)
    • 3:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Test IdP 1h

      An easy-to-use, user-configurable test identity provider for the R&E community.

      More details at https://wiki.geant.org/x/SACeDQ

      Speaker: Alan Lewis
    • 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
      OIDC Support for SSH under Windows 1h

      An adoption of the oidc-agent command line tools for Windows.

      This activity is implemented by a student as part of our Trust and Identiy Mentorship (TIM) program.

      More details at https://wiki.geant.org/x/SgCeDQ

      Speaker: Mr Dmytro Dehtyarov (KIT)
    • 5:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Add OIDC OP support to SimpleSAMLphp 1h

      An extension of the polpular IdP/SP software SimpleSAMLphp to add an OpenID Connect Provider interface.

      More details at https://wiki.geant.org/x/RQCeDQ

      Speaker: Sergio Gomez Bachiller (University of Córdoba (Spain))
  • Wednesday, September 22
    • 2:45 PM 3:00 PM
      Arrival and introduction 15m

      Overview of the agenda and the presented topics

      Speaker: Niels van Dijk (SURF)
    • 3:00 PM 4:00 PM
      eduGAIN Service Catalogue 1h

      A centralized service catalogue that provides information about federated services in eduGAIN.

      More details at https://wiki.geant.org/x/TACeDQ

      Speaker: Branko Marović
    • 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
      IdP/SP software testbed 1h

      A fully fledged dynamic test environment for new and existing federated software products to enable quick and easy integration testing.

      More details at https://wiki.geant.org/x/TgCeDQ

      Speaker: Mr Matteo Giusti (KIFU)
    • 5:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Using Distributed Identity for managing researcher access 1h

      A distributed approach to provide digital identities to let user be in direct control of the profile information they share with services.

      More details at https://wiki.geant.org/x/UACeDQ

      Speaker: Niels van Dijk (SURF)