Collaboration between ORCID, Federation participants, and FIM solutions has grown. Federations lead ORCID consortia of institutions; ORCID signin has been considered as an IdP of Last Resort for research collaboration tools; unique Institutional credentials have been linked to over 320,000 ORCID accounts, ORCID iDs are included in the eduPerson schema; and iDs are sometimes used to better understand identity linkages when individuals change institutions. Conversations happen globally among ORCID, federation operators, practitioners, software providers, and standards committees, though rarely over the entirety of this group at the same time. Here we convene to consider strategic topics that involve the ORCID platform or iDs, and deepen collaboration among the ORCID and FIM communities. Who is invited to attend: Anyone working with, supporting, and/or have an interest in ORCID, including federation providers, IdPs, SPs and others.