GÉANT CSM24 Webinar - Synthetic Media Verification in the Era of Generative AI: What Works and What Isn't There Yet

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
Virtually Hosted
Rosanna Norman

With the rapid progress of recent years, techniques that generate and manipulate multimedia content can now provide a very advanced level of realism. The boundary between real and synthetic media has become very thin.

On the one hand, this opens the door to a series of exciting applications in different fields such as creative arts, advertising, film production, video games. On the other hand, it poses enormous security threats.

Software packages freely available on the web allow any individual, without special skills, to create very realistic fake images and videos. These can be used to manipulate public opinion during elections, commit fraud, discredit or blackmail people.

Therefore, there is an urgent need for automated tools capable of detecting false multimedia content and avoiding the spread of dangerous false information. This talk aims to present an analysis of the methods for synthetic media verification.

Special emphasis will be placed on the phenomenon of AI-generated content and on modern data-driven forensic methods to fight them. The analysis will help highlight the limits of current forensic tools, the most relevant issues, the upcoming challenges, and suggest future directions for research.

About the speaker

Dr. Luisa Verdoliva is Full Professor at University Federico II of Naples, Italy, where she leads the Multimedia Forensics Lab. In 2018 she has been visiting professor at Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) and in 2019-2020 she has been visiting scientist at Google AI in San Francisco. Her scientific interests are in the field of image and video processing, with main contributions in the area of multimedia forensics. She has published over 145 academic publications, including 52 journal papers. She is the PI for University Federico II of Naples in the DISCOVER (a Data-driven Integrated Approach for Semantic Inconsistencies Verification) project funded by DARPA under the SEMAFOR program (2020-2024) and in the HORIZON Europe vera.ai project (2022-2025). She has actively contributed to the academic community through service as general Chair of WACV 2024 and ACM IH&MMSec 2019, technical Chair of IJCB 2023 and WIFS 2019, workshop Chair of CVPR 2024. She is Deputy Editor-in Chief for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and has been Chair of the IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (2021-2022). She is the recipient of the 2018 Google Faculty Award for Machine Perception and a TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship (2020-2024). She is IEEE Fellow.

The GÉANT Cyber Security Month 2024 campaign features a programme of four webinars by experts from the R&E community. The webinars will take place every Thursday afternoon in October from 15:00 to 16:00 CET. Check the full programme here: https://connect.geant.org/2024/09/20/unveiling-geant-cyber-security-month-webinar-programme-register-today

  • Alan Lewis
  • Alexandru Cacean
  • Anna Bohacova
  • Buseung Cho
  • Dawn Ng
  • Ines Muka
  • Irina Matthews
  • Ivan Garnizov
  • Johanna England
  • Leonardo Marino
  • Marinela Stanic
  • Michael Anctutici
  • Qani Muka
  • Rupert Holland
  • Sam Roberts
  • Susanne Kurz
  • +53
GÉANT Cyber Sec Month team
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