Trust and Identity Infoshare for NRENs: Wallets

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
Christoph Graf (SWITCH), Maarten Kremers (SURF), Marina Adomeit

The goal of this info share is to discuss ongoing efforts in wallets (as gathered in the GN5-1 Trust and Identity work package) while seeking input from NRENs on their involvement in national activities that may not yet be widely known. Ultimately, the aim is to build consensus around the GÉANT community’s future in this space.  

The intended audience is the GÉANT community members interested in the space. This workshop is planned to be high-level and no previous knowledge of the wallets is necessary. However, prior knowledge of the Trust and Identity technologies in R&E and eduGAIN is expected.  


  • Christoph Graf, Switch, will set the scene, introduce the EUDI wallets and wider activities, and open the topic about how this can affect our ecosystem 
  • Davide Vaghetti, GARR, will talk about how we can serve the wallets trust framework with the OpenID federation trust fabric in eduGAIN 
  • Stefan Liström, SUNET, will introduce the education use case for the wallets and share what has been happening in the DC4EU project 
  • Christos Kanellopoulos, GÉANT, will present how issuing academic credentials to wallets through MyAcademicID will support the education use case and briefly share what is in store for the GÉANT’s Core AAI Platform 
  • Feedback from the participants about national activities and discussion
  • Conclusions, feedback and next steps
  • Christoph Graf
  • Esther Ruiz Ben
  • Maarten Kremers
  • Marina Adomeit
  • Nicolas Liampotis
  • Paul Maurice
  • Wolfgang Pempe
  • +7
    • 2:00 PM 2:15 PM
      Setting the scene 15m

      Introduction to EUDI wallets and wider activities, and open the topic about how this can affect our ecosystem.

      Speaker: Christoph Graf (Switch)
    • 2:15 PM 2:30 PM
      eduGAIN 15m

      How to serve the wallets trust framework with the OpenID federation trust fabric in eduGAIN.

      Speaker: Davide Vaghetti (GARR)
    • 2:30 PM 2:45 PM
      DC4EU 15m

      Introduction to the education use case for the wallets and share what has been happening in the DC4EU project.

      Speaker: Stefan Liström (Sunet)
    • 2:45 PM 3:00 PM
      MyAcademicID 15m

      How issuing academic credentials to wallets through MyAcademicID supports the education use case and what's in store for the GEANT's Core AAI Platform.

      Speaker: Christos Kanellopoulos (GÉANT)
    • 3:00 PM 3:30 PM
      Discussion / Feedback / Next steps 30m
      Speaker: Christoph Graf (Switch)