SIG-RED Visit and talk at Rennes Phonotics Institut TNC24

(Timezone - Europe/Paris)
INSA Rennes, building 10 (Rennes, France)

INSA Rennes, building 10

Rennes, France

SIG-RED presents our first tour of a research laboratory!


The organisers behind SIG-RED invite you to visit the Phonotics Institute, part of the INSA Rennes campus.  The laboratory focuses on the development of materials, quantum nanostructures, or devices needed to develop such applications as quantum communications, optical communications or fibre sensing technologies.


All participants of TNC24 are welcome to join.  However, please sign up so we can let the institute know how many people they can expect.


The tour is free.  


Participants will need to make their own way to the venue.  Commute time between the TNC venue and the institute is ~25 minutes.

  • Changqing An
  • Daniela Brauner
  • Dawn Ng
  • Iara Machado
  • Olga Popcova
  • ping Chen
  • Tiago Monsores
  • +11
Eli Shmueli