Relying on RARE for DDoS Attack Protection

(Timezone - Europe/Berlin)

Relying on RARE for DDoS Attack Protection - Demonstrating RARE Integration with GÉANT DDoS Attack Protection Services (FoD and NeMo Use Cases)

Firewall-On-Demand (FoD) is a  DDoS mitigation software developed and well-established as a service in GÉANT to enable the NREN NoC admins as users of the service to mitigate DDoS attacks through the GÉANT core towards their connected networks by FlowSpec rules controlled on their own without need to contact the GÉANT NoC.

The NeMo-DDoS software is a powerful tool for Netflow-based DDoS and traffic anomaly detection and analysis. It was originally developed to address NREN-specific network analysis needs and has been enhanced ever since. The software can be obtained and installed locally by GÉANT-associated NRENs to enhance backbone traffic visibility and enable DDoS workflows.

This infoshare will present the efforts of the RARE team on integrating FreeRtr with well-established GÉANT services used for the detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks, i.e. Firewall on Demand (FoD) and NeMo. Specifically, the challenges of integrating these services with FreeRtr will be discussed and brief demonstrations of the whole DDoS protection process will be made.

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  • benjamin lajoie
  • Bertrand LEMAITRE
  • Carolina Fernández
  • Florian LE TOUMELIN
  • Jarosław Wieczorek
  • Julien VALIENTE
  • Karol Beyrowski
  • Loris PROUTEAU
  • Ludovic AUXEPAULES
  • Mingyuan Zang
  • Miroslav Goldgamer
  • Pavle Vuletić
  • Petri Schroderus
  • Zenon Mousmoulas
  • +37