Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation Maturity Model

(Timezone - Europe/Athens)
Coral Beach Hotel and Resort (Paphos, Cyprus )

Coral Beach Hotel and Resort

Paphos, Cyprus

Knowing exactly where you are is important to know how to get where you want to be. This is why a maturity model in Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation (OAV) was developed in the GÉANT Project, to assess the maturity level of research and education institutions in four dimensions: Architecture & Technology, Processes & Services, Vision & Strategy, and People & Organisation. This workshop provided some insights and help to fulfill it, and was also a  place for discussion of OAV solutions, current and future plans among the NRENs.
Useful links:

OAV MM Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SPYDQVB

You can find the presentation, as well as the results of the Menti survey we used during the workshop in the following PDF:

Organized by

GN5-1 WP6 T4

  • Callum Storey
  • Ivan Garnizov
  • +17