TF-EDU: Strategy meets reality: NRENs’ educational services strategic planning and implementation

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)
(Tirana, Albania)
Tirana, Albania
Gyongyi Horvath

The GÉANT Task Force for Educational Activities (TF-EDU) would like to invite you to a pre-TNC23 Conference workshop focussing on both strategic opportunities and challenges, and sharing knowledge and best practice on practical issues related to the delivery of education, both nationally and globally.  

Remote attendance link:

Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.

Our annual event for 2023 will be hosted by TF-EDU Steering Committee members, using their experience, individually and collectively, and the knowledge gained from our community sessions over the past years. Our annual events attract a global audience, from NRENs, educational institutions, international organisations, governments and commercial companies.  

How to translate NRENs’ educational strategies to implementation plans and not get lost in that translation? Come and hear some of the NRENs experience in developing and implementing their strategic plans for supporting education. How is it similar or different from yours? 

We will openly discuss the challenges using commercial services (IaaS or SaaS) as well as the benefits and impacts moving towards procured offerings.

How do you create your ideal educational ecosystem?

We will endeavour to set out the context for these discussions at the outset with an overview of the most recent results from our third ‘Annual Survey on Educational Services and Activities’, looking also at any trends from the earlier surveys and possible early impact of the pandemic, brought to you by Dragana Kupres (CARNET).

The workshop will help TF-EDU develop a forward-looking roadmap to better understand the changes as a community, and for the education sector as a whole.


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Please note: This is a side meeting. In order to attend, you will need to purchase a side meeting pass, in addition to your regular TNC pass. See the registration page for more details.


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