e-IRG Workshop under French EU Presidency

(Timezone - Europe/Berlin)

The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) organises two open workshops every year, each under the auspices of the corresponding EU presidency. During the last years, the e-IRG Workshops have been organised as virtual events due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Given the success of the virtual events, the e-IRG Workshop in the framework of the French EU Presidency will be also organised as a virtual event and will be conducted as a series of three webinars (in the future hybrid events may be considered). Each of the webinars is addressing key challenges for the further development of e-Infrastructures in the Europe Research Area and beyond, linked also with EU Presidency priorities. In this workshop, the following topics are addressed:

  • Session 1: Towards a sustainable EOSC - The role of e-Infrastructures
  • Session 2: The twin “green and digital” transition in e-Infrastructures
  • Session 3: Cross-e-Infrastructure collaboration and coordination (network, computing, data)

Each session starts with presentations to stimulate the discussion on the topics and encourages the audience to an active participation.

1. Session "Towards a sustainable European Open Science Cloud - The role of e-Infrastructures"
The session is jointly organized with the EOSC Steering Board

The goal of this session is to raise awareness on the required sustainability analysis in the e-Infrastructure community and make the first steps in this area, shedding some light on the above elements, with the aspiration that e-IRG recommendations on policies coming out of such an analysis and work, can be brought to the EOSC SB for implementation.

Questions for the four breakout groups (each group will address the same questions):

  1. Do you see important gaps in the European policy landscape for e-infrastructures apart from the policy issues under discussion (skills and competences, EOSC and the private sector, data sovereignty) at the EOSC Steering Board ?
  2. Which are the most crucial elements to consider when preparing policies on these topics?
  3. What’s the most appropriate way to influence the national and European policy landscape?
  4. How can good practices or failures on developing and implementing policies at national level help progress implementation by other MSs and ACs? And how a European-wide implementation benefits all users?

2. Session "The twin “green and digital” transition in e-Infrastructures"

This session will deal with the corresponding urgency of twin transition for EU, national and institutional e-Infrastructures. It will raise awareness on key e-Infrastructures initiatives in the area along with thematic paradigms.

3. Session "Cross-e-Infrastructure collaboration and coordination"

The aim of this session is to address the topic of the effective collaboration and coordination of all the e-Infrastructure components, i.e. networking, computing (both HTC and HPC) and data infrastructures, and reflect on some possible approaches, paradigms and impacts. 


Looking forward to a fruitful workshop

Paolo Budroni, e-IRG Chair, Volker Beckmann, e-IRG co-Chair, 

Fotis Karayannis, Jan Wiebelitz, e-IRG Support Project 

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e-IRG Workshop under French EU Presidency