TF-DLT Meeting

(Timezone - Europe/Amsterdam)


Welcome and follow up to February's meeting


Description of three proposed use cases (+ Q&A)

Niels van Dijk, SURF, will present a summary of the following:

    1. eduID and SSI
    2. Open Accreditation: Identity Federations set up a lot of trust, but with a lot of effort and preparation to create that trust – an opportunity offered by SSI is to establish trust in a different (more open) way, making it easier to share the data in our sector with other sectors (e.g. providing evidence of qualifications to employment agencies, where the receiving entity doesn’t want to become a federation member).
    3. Frictionless research collaboration based on the sharing of credentials in such a way that doesn’t require complex routing/context where the user has to know which IdP, VO, etc to utilise in which context, exploring ways to collect ’tokens’ from multiple sources.

The use cases would encompass various aspects such as technology (both DLT and SSI), legal, ‘service model’, etc, as not some may be appropriate for SSI, some may (or may not) be appropriate for a public ledger.




Dragonfly blockchain

Robert Ott, SWITCH

15:00 - 15:25 Guest Speaker from the GEANT Innovation Programme: Impact of European Digital Identity Wallets on NRENs

Jurjen Braakhekke (Innovalor)


Discussion & wrap up

Organized by

Michelle Williams, GEANT;
Licia Florio, GEANT

  • Frederic Gerber
  • +7
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